Life is a complicated thing, we make mistakes, we do not always succeed immediately, we are disappointed in people and are constantly searching for ourselves. We want to be great in everything and stand at the very top, but sometimes to climb higher, it’s worth stopping and just starting to live. 1.Normal people are only those whom you don’t know much. Alfred Adler 2.Relationships are unsuccessful when a person is partially with another, and partially with someone else...
Sociologist Daphne Oizerman tells how the direction of a person’s thoughts affects his fate, how the ability to combine the image of the «future self» with the present moment helps us cope with difficulties, why it is worth planning the future in days, not in years, and how the use of the path symbol strengthens our identity and helps us achieve our goals. THE ANSWER TO THE QUESTION «WHEN DOES THE FUTURE BEGIN?» it matters because people tend to focus on the...
Bo Lotto, a neuroscientist and professor at the University of London, has been researching human behavior and perception of reality for more than 25 years. In his book «Refraction» Lotto talks about why we do not perceive reality as it is, and how this can lead to the development of creative potential and helps to take a fresh look at work, love, play, relationships with relatives and other important events in our life. Life is a fairly ordinary thing, although, as we all know, it...
Tanish holatmi? Tillarni òqitish maktabini ochib unda ish yuritar ekanman, meni doim bir savol qiynar edi: «Nega òquvchi boshlagan ishini tugatmay, òqishni yarim yòlda tashlab ketadi?» Oz bòlsada òquvchilarim orasida sòrovnoma qilib, izlanishlar olib bordim. Natijasi hayratlanarli emas edi. Va men tagiga yetgan sabablar nafaqat til òrganishda, balki hayotimizning barcha jabhalarida uchrar ekan. Kitob òqishni boshlab uni tugatmaslik, kursga yozilib uni qoldirib ketish...
Mening kasbim – o`qituvchilik. Bilmadim, bu kasbda faoliyat olib borayotganimga 25 yildan oshdiki, hamon o`z kasbimning shaydosiman. Avvalo, shuni aytmoqchimanki, bu kasbga – o`qituvchilikka shuncha yillar maftun bo`lib kelayotganimning boisi – bu beg`ubor,samimiy va pok qalbli insonlar – o`quvchilarim bo`lsa kerak. Men o`quvchini ikkichi yoki a’lochiga ajratmayman. Ularning yonib turgan ko`zlarida hayotni – buyuk kelajakni ko`raman. O`quvchilarimni gulzorda...